Hampshire: 07932 764417

Make your own Horseradish Honey

They say that once you have Horseradish in your garden, you have it for life. And true enough, I have some which I dig up each year to turn into a cough syrup for the…

Tone your veins with conkers

Now that it is conker season and people have discovered ‘Viking soap’ there seems to be concern on the social media over Horse chestnut toxicity. The natural constituent aescin, is a saponin, which lathers up…

Burdock – what a surprise!

As medical herbalists, we think of Burdock mainly as a deep cellular detoxifying herb. I have also discovered that the leaf is a natural anti-biotic, and with this information in mind, Burdock is one of…

Melissa (Lemon balm)

Lemon balm is one of those lovely herbs which grow like a weed, smells delicious and yet, is rather under-utilized. Herbs love being appreciated, and I would like to tell you how it can be…